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Bulk SMS for School

Bulk SMS for School


As more and more people are getting used to the mobile environments the schools and are also opting for mobile oriented services. Keeping this latest fad in mind we have dedicated Bulk SMS for schools. This makes the communication between all the entities of the school like parents, teachers, and administrations a lot more smooth and hassle-free.

Bulk SMS for Schools service is not just digitally empowering but it is a great step towards the overall well-being of the student. Parents get to know each and every detail of their child progress. They can pay extra attention to their kid in case he is not matching up with his peers or not performing well.

Bulk SMS for schools helps to digitize the traditional teaching techniques and give it a more transparent and feasible structure. It is very much cost effective and saves you from an unlimited manual mess.

Let us see how can our Bulk sms for schools software be used for communication between parents and school:

• To communicate attendance sheets and progress reports of the child to their parents.

• Exam and Test schedules, Parent’s meeting details

• Special occasions or other activity details.

• Fees details and any other finance related issues.

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